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Mark and Brigitte Cromey

Mark and Brigitte met when they were one year old and eight days old, respectively. A decade or two later, they decided to get married in Colorado before settling in Tucson, AZ in 2013. In 2014, they went on a mission trip with Chi Alpha to Toyko, Japan. Japan changed both of them irreparably, instilling a deep love of the people and a yearning to go back. However, school, work, and a baby prevented their return. Until now!

Japan is a nation in need of the love of Christ. You may be thinking, why Japan? They are a first world country. They are fine.
They are not fine. Despite the strong economy and excellent technological advances, Japan has one of highest rate of suicide in the modern world, despite having a population one third the size of the US. Workplaces often require the men to work six days a week. Many children rarely see their fathers. Women do not escape either. Depression related medication use is higher in Japan than any other country. Suicide is the biggest killer of women 15-34.

The time when the young adults of Japan are in college is one of the last times of their lives where they have some measure free time before they hit the workforce. This is the time where finding something that gives them hope and joy in life can make a difference in their future. Thank you for your help in getting Mark, Brigitte, and Jeff back to Japan. You are helping save lives.

~Mark, Brigitte, and Jeffrey

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Autumn Rain Collective, P.O. Box 2031
Gilbert, Arizona 85299
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